Fauci Suggests Biden Is Open to Changing Definition of ‘Fully Vaccinated’ to Include Boosters
‘To be perfectly transparent, we will do the best we can to keep the American people optimally protected’
FAUCI: “So we will take a look right now at what the durability is of the booster. We will follow people who get boosted. We don’t know right now. You have to be perfectly transparent and honest. We will be doing the best we can to keep the American people optimally protected. If that means that that will be a boost that absolutely everyone will have to have, then so be it, we’ll do it that way. But it will be guided by science. And people should not be put off by the fact that as time goes by and we learn more and more about the protection, that we might modify the guidelines. That's what we've been saying all along, like follow the science. Things change and you have to follow the data."
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