Brutal Montage of Biden Gaffes From Fox News’ Jesse Watters: ‘This Is Devastating’

‘More than half of the country believe Joe Biden is unstable and suffering from poor health’


BIDEN: "This job — this jobs — the job — that are going to be created here."
BIDEN: "Visit vaccines-dot-gum — dot-gov — vaccines-dot-gum, or text to — text your zip code to 438829."
BIDEN: "You know the old expression, time is money. As one computer said, if you are on the train and they say portal bridge, you know you better make other plans."
BIDEN: "Now I think I’m supposed to introduce somebody, but I’m not sure who I'm supposed to introduce now..."
BIDEN: "Lizzie Panellii — excuse me, Pannill, and — what am I doing here? I’m going to lose track here."
BIDEN: "I’m going to thank the — the — um, former general, I keep calling him general, but my — my — the guy who runs that outfit over there."
BIDEN: "Am I supposed to speak or is Swati going to say something? I was told I was going to hear from Swati — "
BIDEN: "A couple of my friends are going to be coming out here, I’m told, Cabinet members, but, you know — here we go. Where is everybody?"

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