Don Jr. Blasts MSM: Ron DeSantis Gets More Hell for Opening Beaches than Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Deaths

‘I think that people in America see it’


TRUMP JR.: "And that’s because there’s no natural push-back. The Republicans aren’t willing to do it. They have shown that over the decades. They'd just rather lose gracefully, I guess. That’s not really a plan that I would go with, but it’s what they have done. Donald Trump has shown that you don’t have to do that. You can actually push back. We don’t have an easy fight. We don’t have a level playing field. You have multi-trillion dollar industries between the mainstream media and Big Tech doing whatever they can to destroy the Republican Party. Look at the difference in the handling of Gov. DeSantis versus Andrew Cuomo. Andrew Cuomo gets Emmys for sending your grandmother to her nursing home to her death. Gov. DeSantis got more hell in Florida for keeping beaches open, with social distancing and masks, than Andrew Cuomo got for executive orders sending people into nursing homes to die when we knew sending the sick and elderly back into nursing homes was a susceptible population and people would get hurt. Gov. DeSantis gets more hell for various decisions, for taking on the press, than Andrew Cuomo does for credible accusations of sexual harassment and other harassment. There is a double standard that's out there. I think that people in America see it, which is why the mainstream media’s approval rating is almost as low as Congress’. But until we have more people that are willing to step up and tell the truth and speak to the American people, you know, we’re a little bit at a loss. It’s ridiculous. You can see what’s going on. $1.9 trillion — you articulated so many of the points well. The only problem is that almost none of it is for actual relief. It’s a Democrat wish list. But we saw this before. I called it out in the summer when the Democrats were trying to add pork into the bill that my father wanted to push in. You know, the Kennedy Center for the Arts, of course they needed — what was it —  $30 million at the time, and a $100 million for this, we have to make sure we get a billion dollars for illegals, they don’t pay taxes, they likely never will, they take jobs from Americans, but let's make sure they're on the government take, maybe one day they’ll vote Democrat. This is asinine and it does nothing for the American people."

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