Pelosi on Whether She Will Compromise More Because of Smaller Majority: ‘Not at All’

‘We have a president of the United States’


PELOSI: “No, not at all. We have a president of the United States. Remember, we got to have the opportunity to have bills signed into law. I'm very proud of our caucus because we are beautifully diverse. As I always say, it is a — our diversity is our strength. Our unity is our power. And our unity springs from our commitment to America's working families, and that is what we will be talking about, as I mentioned, putting together a jobs bill that involves building the infrastructure of America, a resilient and green way, doing so in a bipartisan way, doing so that everybody in our country benefits both with jobs, with workforce development, and with services, schools, et cetera, housing, in their areas. So it won't have that much effect at all, no."

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