CNN: When Scalia Called the ObamaCare ‘SCOTUSCare,’ Roberts ‘Chuckled’
BROWN: "You were in there when not only chief justice Roberts read out loud his opinion but also the fiery dissent from justice Scalia. Tell me what he said and what it was like sitting in that courtroom.
COLLINSON: "It was really interesting. Whenever you're in the courtroom there's a moment of tension when you realize the judgment is coming and the judges know but nobody else knows. John Roberts, the chief justice, said very calmly, I will have the opinion in King versus Burwell. Everyone in the court sat up, this is it."
BROWN: "Once again the second time he's taking the lead."
COLLINSON: "The second time. He proceeded to go through his opinion. It wasn't until about two-thirds of the way through we realized he was going to affirm this judgment. And, you know, you could tell the political context of this because he made several comments which sounded like he was trying to protect himself against the argument that once again he'd saved Obamacare. He talked about how the law was inartfully drafted and the way that Congress passed it through reconciliation, not through Normal manner. You could tell the political stakes and then as soon as it finished, he said justice Scalia has a dissent and justice Scalia said indeed. The whole court starts laughing. And he starts into this evisceration of the John Roberts' opinion in this case sitting right next to John Roberts who has kind of watched it stony faced the whole way through and it wasn't until he got to the end and Scalia said she should all Obamacare SCOTUS care that everyone kind of relaxed a little bit and smiled and even the chief justice had a little chuckle."