Dr. Fauci on Not Recommending Wearing a Mask Back in March: ‘You Can Always Second-Guess Yourself’

‘We didn’t fully realize how significant the amount of asymptomatic infection was’


FAUCI: “Well, I think we would be somewhat better off if people were continually wearing masks back then, John, but you can always second-guess yourselves and say what could have been or what should have been done. At the time when we were told that there is a serious diminution in the availability of PPEs for the people who really need them back then, and also back then we didn’t fully realize how significant the amount of asymptomatic infection was, and importantly, the fact that people who were asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic could transmit the virus, something we know for sure occurs right now. So the situation was different. I mean, you acted on the information you had at the time. I believe that in the context of that it was not unreasonable, what was being done, but as you get more information, the way we have right now, there’s no question what we should be doing and that’s why everyone is uniformly recommending the use of masks.”

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