Fox’s Henry: More Documents Uncovered Reveal Adam Schiff Knew That Russia Collusion Was a Hoax
HENRY: “We are getting even more information today. added that Adam Schiff was in “Panic mode. If they are from the probe of alleged Russian collusion. But breaking tonight, Adam Schiff may be even more panicked because I am hearing from two sources familiar with this. As early as tomorrow, you could reveal even more documents shedding light on the Russia probe, and how they knew for a long time there was no collusion even though they kept saying they had direct evidence otherwise. Two sets of documents. Adam Schiff late today releasing transcripts, and they conducted over 50 of them to try to prove there was collusion. The first set of documents embarrassing, because James Clapper testified under oath long ago, we never learned of it until tonight. He testified “I never saw any direct empirical evidence of the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting and conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election. He testified as I tried, and McCabe testified that’s correct. Tonight fox’s learning there is a second set of documents that ric grenell who now has a job that Clapper had brought to the Attorney General William Barr today in a satchel. I was tipped off to this by someone outside of the government, and Jacobson was able to say — this after the case against general Flynn was dropped. He said the way the the FBI handled the case was improper.”