Wesley Clark: The Iranians Showed They Could Deliver the Punch

‘This is a strategic problem, and the United States has to work this strategically’

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CLARK: "They caught it, too. They’ve shot down a drone. This is a strategic problem, and the United States has to work this strategically. So the way to work it strategically is with allies. Now, Iran has its own issues in the world. It’s got its foreign embassies abroad. It’s got citizens abroad. It’s got its terrorist units abroad. This is where we need our allies to help us. And we’re going to have to eventually come back and talk about that Iranian nuclear agreement. So the U.S. response was appropriate. It was — it looks effective thus far. But the Iranians showed they could deliver the punch, they just pulled back the fist here temporarily. So we have to be strategic about this. And that’s the real challenge for the Trump Administration."

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