Hannity: Mueller Wants to Turn the Screws on Roger Stone to ‘Take Down’ ‘Duly Elected’ Trump
HANNITY: "According to the special counsel, the basis for stone’s arrest around his attempt to source Clinton campaign emails acquired by Wikileaks. By the way that’s not a crime. I have said it before and I will say it again. If trying to access Wikileaks information and find out what they had is a crime then almost every media outlet in this country would be guilty of that crime. In 2016 nearly every paper, every news organization accessed Wikileaks documents surrounding the stolen Podesta emails including the ever so loved liberal “New York Times.” They actually provided direct link to the emails inside of heir articles which brings us now to a Hannity history lesson. Very similar to a case in 1971 very famous ‘case known as the Pentagon papers when the “New York Times” published a top secret federal report on the Vietnam war called the Pentagon papers. The report was stolen. It was given to the “Times” by federal employees and subsequently published by the “New York Times” and various other papers and other news agencies. Now, following an attempted government crackdown, the Supreme Court upheld the media’s right to publish what are stolen Pentagon papers. So Roger Stone, on or about the “New York Times” or anyone else was interested in knowing what Wikileaks was going to produce next, which, they all were. And leak it the Clinton emails in 2016, that is not a crime, unless, of course, they stole it or conspired to steal it which that is not part of the charges. That’s why Roger Stone is only facing process crime allegations. Five counts, lying to Congress. And as you can see Robert Mueller found zero evidence of criminal campaign collusion. Still, wanted to turn the screws any way. You know, so maybe he will talk or maybe he will compose or sing. Sound familiar? Why? Because Mueller wants to take down a duly elected president of the united States. He has only Democrats, donors on his team. Maybe they want revenge for the 2016 election. And they appear to stop at nothing to get it. But I have a news flash for team Mueller. There was no collusion. Your investigation is baseless, always has been and you will never subvert the will of the American people. We have a lot to get to."