Chris Plante on Report CNN Refuses Story on Effectiveness of the Wall: ‘CNN Lies a Lot’
‘That is the bottom line’
PLANTE: “That CNN lies a lot. That is the bottom line. They were looking for a local reporter who was going to tow the line and say what CNN wanted to hear. Some person at CNN, probably a young person, called KUSI and asked for a reporter. Then they heart, well, you know, they are going to say that the border patrol people tell them the wall has a positive effect, the barriers and the fences, whatever you like to call it. Then they said thank you. If this were a dating situation, speed date, everybody would recognize that CNN dropped them because they weren’t going to offer what CNN wanted to hear. We know what CNN wants to hear because we hear it every minute of every hour of every show. It’s very consistent.”
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