Conway: Kamala Harris Trying to Have ‘Viral Moments,’ She Has ‘Nothing of Substance to Say’
CONWAY: "This is what happens when people have absolutely nothing substantive to offer aspirationally for their 2020 campaign. They can’t seem to figure out how to defeat Donald Trump, in the Senate, at the ballot box, through his justice nominees, like Brett Kavanaugh. So they try to do it by having these viral moments, trying to embarrass and harass and harangue people who are under oath, just trying to report on the good work. In this case, of the many women of ICE. And what really galls me is she doesn’t even source. It's perception, where, on Twitter? Where? Among your group of friends? Source it. If he is under oath and she is not, she ought to at the very least have to say here is where I heard the perception. The reality is that they interdict almost a half million pounds of drugs and arrested almost 500 criminals. They are helping with human trafficking."