Conway: ‘Bit by Bit, President Trump Is Undoing the Obama Legacy’
CONWAY: “There has been polling that’s been done to prove that. It seems like an odd and somewhat pathetic argument from a former president who is on tape also saying that 2% or less in growth in gdp is the quote new normal. With the require’s been over 4% for self quarters. He said what’s Donald Trump going to do, wave a magic wound and create new jobs? Bit by bit, President Trump is undoing the Obama legacy. I hardly ever hear this name said in this White House. The socialist, pro-government America. This president said to industries flat on their back, manufacturing, mining. I’m here for you. We are going to open up the factories and bring the jobs back, deregulate and cut your taxes. All of that is why we have an economic boom. It didn’t start under president Trump. If it had, a single Democrat would have voted for president Trump’s tax cuts. The economy is doing well and he wants to take credit for it. People know they are doing better and we are more peaceful and prosperous. I don’t sit around in a bubble. I travel and talk to people. People come up to me from all over the country. Some aren’t so nice, I pray for them. But most of people will come up to me and say I didn’t vote for President Trump, I don’t like this or that. But tell him thank you for turning Washington upside down. Those results, that progress, that matters most of on Tuesday.”