Maxine Waters Suggest Trump Supporters Are Responsible for Mail Bombs: They’re Acting out What They Believe He Wants Them to Do

‘I think the president of the United States has been dog whistling to his constituency making them believe that their problems are caused by those people over there’


WATERS: "I think the President of the United States should take responsibility for the kind of violence that we're seeing for the first time in different ways. I think the president of the United States has been dog-whistling to his constituency, making them believe that their problems are caused by those people over there. And I think they are acting out what they believe their president wants them to do and the way that he wants them to act. As a matter of fact, if you pay attention or you paid attention to the President during his campaign, when he talked violence, he talked about beating up people and taking them out on a stretcher and even said he would pay their lawyers' fees to get them out. Just the other day he was laughing and basically appreciating the fact that a member of Congress has slammed a journalist, and he mimicked and mocked the slamming of that journalist. He, in his own way, really does do a lot to promote violence.”

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