Schiff: Trump’s Declassification ‘Endangers the Country’

‘We have been told by the FBI and Justice Department that some of this material not only shouldn’t be shared with the public but shouldn’t be shared even with other members of the Congress outside of the Gang of Eight’


SCHIFF: "That is essentially what the Trump legal defense team has called for. This is a president intervening in a specific case pending investigation that potentially implicates the President of the United States. That is one huge problem. But the problem that the Justice Department and FBI and members of the intelligence committee are most concerned about also is that people’s identities could be revealed or sources. Beyond that, other people around the world who are sources are going to look at what’s happening in this political circus with this president and believe their identities won’t be protected. That will cause them to cease cooperating with us. That is dangerous to the country."

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