Dan Bongino: ‘Government Is Not a Force for Net Good in Your Life and I Wish More Republicans Would Stop Accepting’ It

‘You see despair and crime, you see poverty, you see the absence of liberty’


BONGINO: "No, it doesn’t, tucker. This is all, when you listen to the absurd speech it and the interview with Chelsea Clinton, these are all based on assumptions that the Democrats assume are dispositive and are not. It’s an assumption that I wish Republicans would fight on a higher principle. The assumption is this. That government is a net philanthropic good in your life. There is very little evidence that any of that is actually true. So be to clear what I’m saying. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea take a faux moral high ground saying we support a bigger government based on the assumption this is good for you. Outside of the basic role of the republic, military and a court system, tucker, as I said there is almost no evidence this is true. Look at the places around America. Frankly around the world where the government is expansive and all powerful over your life. What do you see? You see despair and crime, you see poverty, you see the absence of liberty. Government is not a force for net good in your life. I wish more Republicans would stop accepting that 30,000-foot argument as dispositive one."

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