Maher: Trump Saying He Hired Sessions for Loyalty ‘Impeachable’
MAHER: "But what do you— let's take the opposite of it then. Donald Trump, who confesses everything openly, what do you make of this strategy that seems to be working so beautifully? Like, this week, he just said, right on the air, I hired Jeff Sessions as the Attorney General totally because I expected his loyalty. I mean, to me, that’s impeachable. The thing he said about, to Lester Holt, about, he fired Comey. He said it out loud. He said, Russia, if you're listening, I hope you can find Hillary Clinton's emails. I feel like these things were things we hacked, if we found surreptitiously, if you got a hold of his diary, om my God, look what he said. We'd be like, we got the smoking gun. But because he says it blatantly and out front, people seem to—"
(via Breitbart)