Stephanopolous on Trump Stripping Brennan’s Clearance: ‘Another Week, Another Norm Shattered’
STEPHANOPOULOS: "Another week, another norm shattered. Intelligence officials, even former CIA directors, have lost their security clearances before when they broke the rules or broke the law. What happened this week is brand new: the first time a president has personally revoked the security clearance of a former official not for mishandling classified information — there’s no evidence of that — but for speaking out against the president.
And as the president told The Wall Street Journal it was retaliation for John Brennan’s involvement with the Russia investigation at the CIA, “I call it the rigged witch hunt and these people let it, said Trump. So, I think it’s something that had to be done.”
President Trump is now threatening to take action against others he blames for the Russia investigation. And his unprecedented actions have drawn an unprecedented response from dozens of former intelligence officials, including CIA directors dating back to the Reagan administration.
It’s a remarkable rebuke that raises a serious question, what does it mean for national security when the intelligence community and the commander-in-chief appear to be at war?"