Jim Himes Dodges on if Nancy Pelosi Should Be Speaker
‘You know, that’s not my decision’
HARLOW: "You know there are a number of — growing number of Democrats, some running, that say Nancy Pelosi does not represent the future of the party, should not be House Speaker if Dems retake the house. Yes or no, should Nancy Pelosi be speaker? Should that be the case?"
HIMES: "You know, that’s not my decision. That’s going to be -- that's going to be one rollicking fight that we have after we take the majority in November."
HARLOW: "Come on! Come on. What’s your take? Yes or no, for you?"
HIMES: "You know what? I have not -- I have not made up a decision, because I don’t know who is running. So you are not getting a yes or no out of me today."
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