Harold Ford Jr: Trump’s Desire for More Nukes Raises Questions About His Fitness for Office
FORD JR.: "But back to Senator Corker for a moment, the World War III comments, probably the most alarming and damaging things that Senator Corker said, you would wonder, if, indeed the majority of Republicans in the Senate are of the same opinion that Senator Corker is, that this President is marching us down a dangerous path, that that alone would give rise to conversation in the Senate and maybe the Congress about the fitness of the President for this office and whether or not he should continue serving in this office, especially on the brink or right on the heels of a trip to Asia. You would have to wonder, are they going to have some of this resolve with North Korea prior to the trip? Remember, in early February to mid-February, the Winter Olympics are taking place in South Korea. No responsible head of state can send a delegation or sanction a delegation traveling to South Korea if this dispute between us and North Korea festers or continues at the rate that it is. So I know we all hope that they find some resolution here. Again, I take only solace and encouragement from what we saw in the last few minutes, from the fact that Secretary Kissinger, he shook hands, perhaps that means some kind of progress and civil progress is being made with North Korea."