Gingrich: There’s a ‘Large Number of People in Both Parties’ Who Don’t Want Trump to Succeed
‘Massive bureaucracy of people that believe in liberal big government. They see Donald Trump as their mortal enemy’
GINGRICH: "First of all, the swamp of the deep state isn’t just Democrats. There are a lot of folks, there are a lot of lobbyists, a lot of other folks around who were very comfortable, a lot of never-Trumpers in the Republican Party. President Trump, who you know I think is remarkable historic figure and that is part of why I wrote 'Understanding Trump,' President Trump took over the Republican Party in hostile takeover, he beat 16 other people. He then pivoted and he won the presidency in a hostile takeover against the establishment. He enters the White House with a very large number of people in both parties who don’t particularly want him to succeed. That is part of what you’re seeing lived out."
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