Carl Bernstein: We Don’t Know What the W.H. Is Covering up with Russia Dealings

‘There is a cover-up going on’


BERNSTEIN: “There is a cover-up going on. We don’t know exactly what the White House is trying to cover up with its dealings with Russia or the Trump campaign's dealings with Russia. We don’t know that it is an obstruction of justice. But there certainly is an attempt by the President of the United States to obstruct and impede knowledge of what happened here. Doesn’t mean he's broken the law, but why in the world would not this president say, 'Look, the Russians interfered in our campaign. I want anybody around me who had any dealings with them to make it known.' He has Pompeo. He has his intelligence community. He knows what is known by the British, by the Dutch, by these intelligence services that have picked up these intercepts of people around him, speaking with Russian intelligence people. Trump knows a good deal that he’s not revealing. We are going to find out an awful lot in the coming weeks and months about this cover-up. But it's really very disturbing that the President of the United States is trying to deflect and impede knowledge of what happened here in an attempt by a foreign hostile power to destabilize the United States electoral process.”

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