Trump: ‘Right Now We Are Not Getting Along with Russia at All’

‘We may be at an all-time low in terms of relationship with Russia’


TRUMP: “I will be speaking with Rex Tillerson in a little while, calling in. I think he had a very successful meeting in Russia. We will see, we will see the end result, which will be in a long period of time, perhaps, but the end result is what's most important, not just talk. Based on everything I am hearing, things went pretty well, maybe better than anticipated. It would be wonderful, as we were discussing just a little while ago, if NATO and our country could get along with Russia. Right now we are not getting along with Russia at all. We may be at an all-time low in terms of relationship with Russia. This has built for a long period of time, but we are going to see what happens. Putin is the leader of Russia. Russia is a strong country. We are a very, very strong country. We will see how that all works out."

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