Krauthammer on Gorsuch: The Filibuster ‘Has Been Completely Abused’ for Years

‘They have to have a simple majority to change the rules in the Senate’

KRAUTHAMMER: "I find it hard to join in the lamentations for the filibuster. It has been completely abused, not just on judicial appointments but for the last 30 or 40 years. Historically for the 200 years before that, it was rarely used in association cannot most important historical situation is with southern segregation who used it for generations as a way to deny African-Americans there rates.Their rights. Returning it to a time, when you and I were growing up, we never thought that any piece of legislation had a two-thirds majority as it was in the Senate. We just assumed it would need a simple majority. Except in the case of -- the only objection I have is the way in which it was done. It was done by a simple majority. That is the issue here. Not the abolition of the filibuster, the fact that you can change a rope they simple maturity, change and immaturity at any time to change the rule of the centers, means the Senate has no rules. Going to have to agree at some point that they have to have a simple majority to change the rules in the Senate. Otherwise it is lawless like Libya."

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