Rep. Burgess: ObamaCare ‘As Written Is Not Working and It Needs Serious Repair’

‘This bill is a key that gets us through the door, over to Senate, to let them work on things that concern them’


BURGESS: "The Affordable Care Act as written is not working, and it needs serious repair. So the reconciliation bill the House of Representatives had voted on in 2015 was the basis for our reconciliation bill this year. Remember, that bill in the last Congress passed both the House and Senate, passed muster with the Berger rule over in the Senate, but was vetoed by President Obama. That was our starting point this year. People said they wanted more replace added to the repeal bill that we did last year. That has been accomplished over the last several months. And now we are where we are. I still think it’s a good product. I’m glad people are talking about it, I'm glad people are pushing ideas out there. I think that’s important. But at the end of the day, remember, this is not the final analysis. This is not the end of the road. This is the beginning of the process. This bill is a key that gets us through the door, over to the Senate, to let them work on things that concern them, and then it’s back to the House to be further refined. It’s a long process, not a short process."

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