Cruz: I’m Doing Everything I Can to Help Trump to Deliver on Promises

‘Well, the president and I, we’re talking frequently’

CRUZ: "Well, the president and I, we're talking frequently. We are meeting frequently and I’m doing everything I can to help lead the fight for President Trump and all of us in Congress to deliver on the promises we made. To the American people. We have a historic opportunity. In 2017 we are poised to do for big things. To repeal ObamaCare, past fundamental tax reform, see regulatory reform and select a conservative to the Supreme Court. 2017 was a blockbuster year. I’m spending my time rolling up my sleeves try to get the job done you are right, President Trump signed two bills I authored. It puts our space program on a strong and growing platform going forward and number two, a bill that enable states to require drug testing for unemployment benefits. Both are very important and major victories for the state of Texas."

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