Angela Rye Battles Joe Walsh: I’m Not Interested in Having a Dialogue with Someone Who Is a Bigot

‘I’m not talking to bigots, Joe’


RYE: "This president has been in turmoil since the campaign. He talked about grabbing women by their private parts. He is — this is a man who — let’s put the shoe on the other foot. Barack Obama, a black man in this country running for president with not one, not two, but three baby mothers. Let’s, you know, put the shoe on the other foot. Someone who took a loan from their father that they call a small loan of $1 million. Let’s talk about all of those things. Someone who discriminated against people who were trying to just find spots in his housing facilities. Someone who took out full-page ads calling for the death of five young black and brown boys. If Barack Obama would have done any of that, Brooke, he would have never even made it to the general election. And that is the point. We’re talking about a double standard. We’re talking about lowering a bar. Barack Obama hurdled every bar that was put in front of him. When Michelle Obama talked about going high when they go low, they did it at every turn. This is a woman who was called an eight. Tthey put pictures up of Barack Obama looking like a monkey. These are the people I’m talking about. They hurdled everything that came their way, every obstacle, and this man, it’s asinine to even think that this man is now in the White House. Here we are in the middle of an investigation, but Hillary Clinton’s e-mails. So, yeah, I mean, it’s very frustrating and I’m tired of people telling me that black people are beneath a standard when we have to be twice as good all the time. And that is why I said, I’m not interested in having a dialogue with someone like Joe who has demonstrated a propensity towards bigotry. And he did that on Twitter yesterday in 140 characters or less."

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