Trump: ‘I Know that We’re All Going to Make a Deal on Health Care; That’s Such an Easy One’

‘I have no doubt that that’s going to happen very quickly’

TRUMP: "It was just a beautiful evening. And so here we are, and shockingly, it’s semi-bipartisan. A lot of people showed up that people weren’t expecting, which is a very good thing. Which is a very, very good thing. And I know that we’re all going to make a deal on health care. That’s such an easy one. So I have no doubt that that’s going to happen very quickly. I think it will actually. I think it’s going to happen because we’ve all been promising — Democrat, Republican, we’ve all been promising that to the American people. I think a lot of good things are going to happen there. We’ll talk about infrastructure. We’re going to talk about fixing up our military, which we really need. There has been a depletion, and we’re going to make it so good and so strong. I there’s been, I think, never been a time where we needed it so much. And we’re going to be doing a great job. And hopefully it will start being bipartisan because everybody really wants the same thing. We want greatness for this country that we love. So I think we’re going to have some very good relationships. Right, chuck? I see chuck. Hello, chuck. And I really think that will happen. So, again, enjoy these incredible musicians. They are really something special. And I hope we’re going to do this many, many times together as a unit. Thank you all for being here. Melania, thank you very much. Our Vice-president, did we make the right decision with Pence? Right?"

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