Joy Ann Reid: ‘Cruelty’ of GOP Health Care Bill ‘Shocked Conservative Voters’

‘There was a cruelty to this bill that really was even apparent to conservative voters, to Republican voters’

REID: "But that’s the problem. I think that it was a revelatory process. I thought that graphic that you put up that showed the number of legislative days devoted to all of these previous attempts at legislation, you know, where your time is spent, that’s where your passion is. And I think the problem for Republicans is that this 17-day odyssey revealed three things that are not good for them. Number one, that the zeal was really just about taking this thing that Obama did away, which a lot of people on the Democratic side perceived that repeal and replace is about taking away Obama’s signature achievement, but that affirmatively, what did they want to do? Republicans have spent the last 30, 40 years trying to replace this image of callousness— toward the poor, of callousness toward the elderly, with this idea of compassionate conservatism. That was whisked away over this process. There was a cruelty to this bill that really was even apparent to conservative voters, to Republican voters, who were shocked at the cruelty. And the third thing, and the president has kind of hinted at this, too, this was a tax cut. This was an attempt to jam through a giant tax cut for the wealthy to set the stage for tax reform, which is another tax cut."

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