Lewandowski: Either They Were Listening to Trump and His Staff or Not; There Is No Incidental Pickup

‘Either you are or you aren’t pregnant, you can’t be a little bit pregnant’

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WATTERS: “Can you imagine if President Bush had incidentally picked up medications had been President-elect Obama at the Chicago headquarters and then had unmasked the name and disseminated to friendly outlets. In the Fox News channel had reported these things in order to undermine President Obama. What do you think would have happened then."
LEWANDOWSKI: "I don’t even know what this means. Either you were or were not listening to the nice its citizens on domestic soil which is a crime unless you have a Pfizer warrant. Either you are or you aren’t pregnant. You can't be a little bit pregnant. This is insane. Do they have them listening to the next president and the south of his United States. That’s a real problem. Everybody should be concerned about it."

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