Sander Levin: It’s ‘Pure Propaganda’; ObamaCare’s ‘Not Imploding’

‘If it passes the House, it can never pass the Senate’

MOHYELDIN: "What do you say, congressman, to the charge that is made by Republicans, including the president, who say if they did nothing, ObamaCare would implode on itself. They cite the facts that include insurance companies have pulled out of a lot of counties, a lot of states. In some cases all they have left is a single provider. What do you say to that charge?”
LEVIN: “It’s pure propaganda. It’s not imploding. There are some problems with the marketplace. The Republican bill would make it worse. We need to deal with those problems in the marketplace. The Republicans have undermined efforts to keep the marketplace strong and now they’re using those problems as a reason to vote for their bill. We’re going to stand up and fight on this because Americans know what it means to have health insurance and Americans know what it means not to have it. People who get an illness and are left out in the cold. This is our emphasis and we’re going to drive this home. That’s why this cannot pass the Senate. That’s why so many senators have said they can’t vote for it because they’re going back home and talking to people who don’t have health insurance or people who have it. Millions who have it because of ObamaCare who are going to lose it. 14 million people in one year are going to lose their health insurance and seniors are going to be paying more? Because of the provisions. That’s what we’re emphasizing on. So whether it passes the house or not, it’s going to die in the Senate because too many people are going to die because they don’t have health insurance.”

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