Fox News: Donna Brazile Admits She Gave Hillary Clinton Town Hall Topics

Gutfeld: ‘She elected Donald Trump’

BOLLING: “We begin with breaking news. A stunning confession from Donna Brazile. Donna is finally admitting to what we all knew all along that she leaked CNN town hall questions to Hillary Clinton during the campaign while she, Donna Brazile, what was a contributor to the network. She confessed in essay published in “Time” magazine saying quote among the many things did I in my role as a democratic operative and DNC vice chair prior to assuming the interim DNC chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the Clinton campaign. My job was to make all our democratic candidates look good and I worked closely with both campaigns to make that happen. But, spending those — sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret. Donna Brazile did was shameful and treason news to our political system and stability even threatening the journalism in America at least CNN for their part demanded her resignation. Immediately. But let’s now take a look at what she told Jordan on the street denying those accusations. Listen.”
[clip starts]
REPORTER: “Duo the voters an apology for passing a question for a town hall excuse me, off to the Hillary Clinton campaign?”
BRAZILE: “You know what? I wish when you got your facts, you read — you read the emails.”
REPORTER: “Did I read a lot of them.”
BRAZILE: “You clearly did not read my emails, sir. No one has ever, ever shared questions with any of us involved in CNN.”
[clip ends]

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