MSNBC Montage: Trump Attacks ‘Lyin’ Ted’

‘He is a nasty guy, nobody likes him anywhere’

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TRUMP: "He is a nasty guy, nobody likes him, nobody in Congress likes him, nobody likes him anywhere once they get to know him. He has got an edge that’s not good. (...) I watched Ted Cruz this morning. So dramatic. Can’t watch. (...) How about Cruz? Lying Ted, you're right. Lying Ted! He is a liar! Lying Ted comes in and he holds the Bible up, and he  holds it high and then he lies. They want me to act presidential, they don’t want me to call him lying Ted, okay? (...) I want to congratulate Ted on Maine and on Kansas. He should do well in Maine because it's very close to Canada. Let's face it. (...) He's an anchor baby. Ted Cruz is an anchor baby in Canada."

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