Jim Himes: Trump’s Either Lying or Has Declassified a Judicial Warrant

‘Former president Obama made this very clear about what the policy was of his White House’


HIMES: "Like Marco Rubio and like Jim Comey and like Director Clapper we all know that on the face of it the tweet is -- is either wrong or it points to a scandal unlike we've ever seen. The president cannot order a wiretap. And of course, former President Obama made this very clear about what the policy was of his -- of his White House. But — and this is the interesting thing to me. You know, talk about walking yourself into a box canyon. The president either lied with the most wild conspiracy theory apparently out of Breitbart, did that in front of the whole world, set the FBI director sort of against him, or if there is something here, what it is likely to be is that somebody and — well, the FBI, most likely, at some point had probable cause to go to a judge and say we have probable cause against somebody in Trump Tower and give us a warrant. And that of course, that -- that -- that judgment would have been made by a federal judge and that of course, points to the possibility, if any of that is true, that there is probable cause for law enforcement to say there's something wrong at Trump Tower."

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