Hewitt: ‘Quite Possible’ a FISA Warrant Was Issued for Trump and for Obama to Not Know

‘But I think people need to slow down’

HEWITT: “My take is from the position what I know for a fact is any application for a warrant to the foreign intelligence vaim court has an enormous paper trail. So if such a warrant existed, if such a surveillance tap was authorized by the court, there are details that would be available to the new president about it. It is also highly likely that President Obama would not know about every foreign intelligence surveillance court warrant issued or asked for or every surveillance authorized. So it’s quite possible for President Trump to be correct that surveillance was authorized against Trump Tower and for President Obama spokesperson to be correct that President Obama did not know about that. So it’s a very complicated set of laws. I also want to take a moment to slow everyone down on special prosecutor talk. Yesterday I heard a couple of people say we need a special prosecutor, there is a law for it. There isn’t any law for it anymore. The independent counsel statute originally authorized in 1978 expired in 1999 after about 15 different independent counsels. What would be required would be for the Attorney General Jeff Sessions to say I’m going to a point a special counsel to conduct and in-depth investigation into not just allegation of ties with Russia and team trump, but allegations of improper behavior by President Obama. One special counsel for the entire interrelated ball. It is really a set of unchartered territories. But I think people need to slow down as Lindsey Graham just did and say let’s keep our silos straight. Everyone agrees Russia interferes with our election. I don’t think anyone doubts it. But everything else of a their is a ball of yarn that has to be unspooled very, very carefully.”

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