Krauthammer on Trump Leaks: ‘This Is Revenge of the Losers’

‘These are people who wanted to make trouble for an administration of a guy they thought wasn’t going to win’


KRAUTHAMMER: "I don't think there is any impression that the president was intense, the former president, was intent on leaving behind landmines. You are right. The NSA step is curious. Normally, when NSA is listening in on a foreigner, they take great care to redact any American involved. The and this is an obvious attempt as it was reported to "The New York Times" to make sure that this was spread as widely as possible, that it would become a problem for the trip administration. I wouldn't call it the deep state. It gives it a field that there is this ominous enemy of the United States hidden in bureaucracy. What this is is the revenge of the losers. These are people who wanted to make trouble for an administration of a guy they thought wasn't going to win and should have won and to see what happens. That is what I think is going on. To some extent, as happened in other ministrations. But I think it's more obvious and we are going to get to the bottom of it, because there are going to be a lot of investigations." 

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