Lewandowski: We Saw a ‘Very Human Side’ of Donald Trump Last Night

‘The inauguration speech in my opinion was one where he reminded the American people of the trouble we face’


LEWANDOWSKI: "The inauguration speech in my opinion was one where he reminded the American people of the trouble that we face. He laid out his vision during that inauguration address of how to fix that. What we saw last night was a very human side of Donald Trump, whether it’s Jamiel Shaw who we have known for a long time and has been an integral part of the campaign who brought the issue of illegal immigration directly to us and talked about it, and the emotional nature of recognizing the bride of the Navy officer who was killed. You know, that’s Donald Trump. That’s bringing the empathy and the understanding of how difficult America’s lives are sometimes to the American people. And you can be Republican. You can be a Democrat. But what you can’t be is against protecting American lives." 

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