Chuck Todd: Trump Speech Had ‘Steve Bannon Agenda’ with ‘Reince Priebus Tone’

‘The question is is this tone change tonight only?’

Chuck Todd: Trump Speech Had "Steve Bannon Agenda" With "Reince Priebus Tone" (RealClearPolitics)

NBC's Chuck Todd analyzes President Donald Trump's address to a joint session of Congress Tuesday night.

"Imagine if the tone he used today was the tone he used on the inauguration, or tone he even used in the first 30 days of the administration," Todd said of Trump's delivery of his speech.

"He has a tough agenda to sell," Todd said. "This is not an easily popular agenda. It's not easy to sell. His base loves it. Swing voters are very hesitant about it. But if you sell it in a softer way swing voters, voters in the middle, will listen."


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