Mulvaney: March 16th Is When We Will Have the Final Budget with Details on Specific Cuts

‘This is the beginning of the budget process’


O'DONNELL: "Congressman, I know you know this since you have served in Congress. But when you look at the budget as a pie chart, more than half of it is what is called mandatory spending, right, and most of that is entitlement. And then you have the discretionary spending and part of that discretionary spending is the defense budget. So the non-defense discretionary spending is just a little bitty small chunk. And if you make increases, you’ll have to cut it back. So when will we know from the White House about what you’re cutting?"
MULVANEY: "March 16th is the day that we announced we would go to Congress and say, 'Here is our final budget blueprint,' and that's where we'll have details on the specific programs that we propose to reduce."

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