Sanders: ‘What We Need Is a Fair Trade Policy, Not an Unfettered Free Trade Policy’

‘I have been on this issue well before President Trump has’

TAPPER: "I know you disagree with many aspects of the Donald Trump agenda. But when the president talks about fair trade and economic nationalism, and Steve Bannon does as well, does that strike a cord with you?"
SANDERS: "What strikes a cord with me, and I have been on this issue well before President Trump has. We have had a series of trade agreements, NAFTA, and the TPP that were written being my money interest to the debtment of the American people. We have lost on trade agreements that were written by corporate America and benefit corporate America. What we need is a fair trade policy, not an unfettered free trade policy.
TAPPER: "Senator Bernie Sanders joining us from Kansas today, thank you, circumstances, we always appreciate it."

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