Trump: ‘There Is No Such Thing as a Global Anthem, Global Currency, or a Global Flag’

‘This is the United States of America that I am representing’

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Amidst a rousing reception at the 2017 CPAC conference, President Trump pledged Friday to serve the "great patriots" of the United States of America -- and no one else. 

"We will not answer to donors or lobbyists or special interests, but we will serve the citizens of the United States of America," Trump told the roucous crowd. 

"Global cooperation, dealing with other countries, getting along with other countries is good," Trump said. "It’s very important. But there is no such thing as a global anthem. A global currency, or a global flag."

"This is the United States of America that I am representing," he continued. "I am not representing the globe. I am representing your country."

To cheers of "USA!" Trump said Americans are united by our allegiance to the country. 

"There is one allegiance that unites us all, and that is to America, America," he said. "The allegiance to America. No matter our background or income, or geography, we are all citizens of this blessed land. And no matter our color or the blood — the color of the blood we bleed, it is the same red blood of great, great patriots. Great patriots."

“We are Americans and the future belongs to us," Trump continued. "The future belongs to all of you. And America is coming about, and it’s coming back and it’s roaring and you can hear it. It will be bigger and better. It is going to be. It is going to be. Remember, and it is roaring. It is going to be bigger and better and stronger than ever before."

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Trump: ‘There Is No Such Thing as a Global Anthem, a Global Currency, or a Global Flag’