Leonard Lance: Those at My Town Hall Were Not Paid

‘People have the right to organize and I’m a strong believer in the First Amendment’


LANCE: "I believe, for example, that those who were at my town heal meeting last night were not paid. And if the White House believes that many of those at town hall meetings have been paid, I think that that is an inaccurate statement. And I indicated last night at my town hall meeting that these were constituents in the district I serve, and they were there to indicate their positions on various public issues. And I was there to listen to them." 
CUOMO: "You felt that it was organic? And by the way, if people had organized to come in and get people together who shared like mind on a certain issue, would there be anything wrong with that? It certainly wouldn't be unfamiliar. It's what launched the Tea Party branch of your party in 2009, in direct reaction to that new president and his policy." 
LANCE: "Absolutely true. People have a right to organize. And I'm a strong believer in the First Amendment. And there's nothing wrong with organization. I do believe that most of those at my town hall meeting last night where they're based upon being constituents in the district, and I was pleased to be able to interact with them."

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