Ingraham on Dems Complaining About Cost of Border Wall: You Never Hear Them Talking About Saving Money
INGRAHAM: "We wrote a piece on 'LifeZette' yesterday about this congress -- congressman expiate, who is just one of many, from, I think he -- I believe is from New York and -- I think he is from New York. But anyway, he went on and on about the cost of deportations and a border wall. And I -- I love it because, you never hear Democrats talking about trying to save money. Because they believe in spending gobs of money on things that frankly don’t work, or throwing more money at the welfare state. And what -- what -- what a lot of us believe is that when you tackle the issue of border enforcement and immigration enforcement, actually give meaning to the sovereignty that we are entrusted with our -- in our country, you'll save money in the long run."