CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Trump’s Attacks on the Press: ‘Somebody Is Going to Get Hurt’

‘It’s a question of time’


CUOMO: “But that’s what I am saying because I said this during the campaign, it’s going to happen and I don’t want it to.”
BALDWIN: “That’s what you mean.”
CUOMO: “Somebody is going to get hurt. It’s a question of time. It starts to become a call to action. Somebody is going to get hurt. What is he going to say.”
CARTER: “It’s a mentally deranged person. You can’t take the fact that he’s using the rhetoric. It will be this individual action. It’s responsibility.”
CUOMO: “It’s just a matter of time. That’s how this stuff works. It works with adults when they’re in a bar drinking and it works with our president who is intoxicated by the idea of beating up the media. He thinks it works for him otherwise he wouldn’t do it.”

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