Adam Smith: ‘Fair to Say’ if Not for DNC Hack Hillary Would Have Won

‘Any little thing that turned, you know, 20,000 votes in Wisconsin, 15,000 votes in Michigan changes the election’


SMITH: "The thing is, when you lose an election as narrowly as Hillary Clinton did, there’s probably about two dozen different things that could have been responsible for it and probably were. Any little thing that turned, you know, 20,000 votes in Wisconsin, 15,000 votes in Michigan changes the election. And there is no question that the release of those e-mails within the DNC were very damaging to the Clinton campaign. I think it’s fair to say, if it hadn’t happened, she probably would have won. But then again, like I said, there’s another 15 or 20 different things, if they hadn’t happened, she would have won. It was that close of an election."

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