CNN’s Acosta: I Tried to Remind Trump ‘We Are Not Fake News, We Are Real News’

‘He is just as determined as ever to go after the news media when there are stories that he doesn’t like’


ACOSTA: "One of my other colleagues asked about this Russian spy ship that has been heading up the Atlantic Coast. He said it is not good, but when pressed about what he was going to do about it he did not offer any specifics and he went back to what we heard during the campaign which is, 'I'm not going to telegraph what I do to our adversaries,' and he recycled that during his news conference. He recycled a lot of the talking points that we heard out on the campaign trail. Once again, for whatever reason he talked about Hillary Clinton getting questions to debates that were held during the course of the campaign. What that has to do with anything is not all together clear, but the President was in a defensive mode. You could tell when he came out and delivered those remarks at the beginning of this news conference that he was clearly frustrated. He was frustrated with that Time magazine cover that portrayed his White House being in chaos and he talked about his administration being a well-oiled machine in not so many words. So this was a defensive President Trump, a frustrated President Trump. But as you heard in that back and forth I had with him, he is just as determined as ever to go after the news media when there are stories that he doesn’t like, but as I try to remind him, Wolf, we are not fake news, we are real news."

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