Spicer Rips Yet Another Reporter: ‘You’re Equating Me Addressing the Nation Here and a Tweet?’

‘This is silly’


SPICER: "Hold on. You just brought that up. I literally stood at this podium and opened a briefing a couple days ago about the President expressing his condolences. I literally opened the briefing about it. So for you to sit there and say 
REPORTER: "I was here." 
SPICER: "I know. So why are you asking why he didn’t do it when I literally stood here and did it? I don’t understand what you’re asking. "
REPORTER: "Kellyanne’s comment was about the President doesn’t have time to tweet about everything. He’s tweeting about this. He’s not tweeting about something else." 
SPICER: "I came out here and actually spoke about it." 
REPORTER: "I'm talking about the President’s time." 
SPICER: "You’re equating me addressing the nation here and a tweet? That’s the silliest thing I've ever heard. This is silly. Thank you. You’ve asked your question. Thank you. Thank you. Go ahead."

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