Coretta Scott King Thanked Alabama Officials, Including Sessions, for Civil Rights Library

‘History teaches us that all great freedom movements began with an inspiring act of courage’


SCOTT KING: “To President Martindale, to Senator Sessions, Mayor Bright, Troy State Chancellor Jack Hawkins Jr., Dr. Dorothy Height, Mrs. Johnnie Carr, Juanita Abernathy, Mrs. Mamie Till Mobley, to all of the distinguished program participants and guests in this audience today, it’s a great honor and privilege for me to join you in celebrating the grand opening of the Rosa Parks Library and Museum. History teaches us that all great freedom movements began with an inspiring act of courage. And in this regard the American Civil Rights Movement provides a supreme example. The Library and Museum we dedicate today is a living testament to the courage, commitment and character of the great woman whose act of courage sparked our freedom struggle. The woman we call Mrs. Rosa Louise Parks and her extraordinary courage and humility. Mrs. Rosa Parks provided our movement with a matchless example of the very spirit of nonviolence.”

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