Cummings on Mexico Wall: ‘I Don’t Know Where This Money Is Going to Come From’

‘I really would be interested to see how this Republican Congress reacts to this’

BLITZER: "What do you think of the president's order today to begin building a border wall within months despite the fact that currently no new money has been appropriated by Congress to pay for it?"
CUMMINGS: "I find it amazing. But I also understand it because if you'll recall, wolf, in almost every single rally they talked about -- he talked about building a wall, and then asked who was going to pay for it. And everybody would say Mexico. I really would be interested to see how this Republican Congress reacts to this. They are talking about cutting Social Security and Medicaid, but yet and still they want to build a wall. It's going to cost millions upon billions of dollars. I don't know where this money is going to come from. So, again -- but there's another point here, wolf. I want people to understand that probably 95% of what president Trump wants to do, he has to have the consent in some way of Congress. And, so, we just saw a March last Saturday where millions of women all across the country and the world came out. And what I'm saying to them and others is that now we cannot have motion, commotion and emotion and no results. They need to go to the town hall meetings in their local areas. They need to call their Congress people. Again, people are so busy concentrating on President Trump that they're forgetting that he is tied at the hip to the Republican Congress and they do have more control over them, that is, the people that were marching. They have more control over their local officials than they have over President Trump."

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