FNC’s Kilmeade: Kerry Can’t Stick Around One Day for the Inauguration?; He’s Unemployed

‘We don’t know exactly what the circumstances are but John Kerry will not be there for the swearing in’

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DOOCY: "However — we just heard from Lucas Tomlinson, our State Department producer that apparently the Secretary of State John Kerry is not going to be in attendance. We don’t know exactly what the circumstances are but John Kerry will not be there for the swearing in of the 45th president of the United States."
KILMEADE: "Pretty significant. I don’t know — for all we know, he has a conflict. But we also know he’s unemployed. He was U.S. Senator for years, became secretary of state. What's he rushing to? He can't stick around for one day?"
DOOCY: "He’s got a pretty good bank account. I don't think that he's got to rush off to a job."
EARHARDT: "It could be a health issue. It could be anything. We don’t know the reason. We won’t jump to conclusions. But we'll try to find out."
KILMEADE: "He looked healthy yesterday, because he gave some remarks yesterday just about warning Donald Trump not to say certain things."

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