White House Press Secretary Accuses Trump of Coordinating with Putin

‘It is not the first time that the Russian president has called into question the veracity of the United States government’


KARL: "Putin made a specific allegation, pretty explosive one coming from another, you know, global leader he's accusing the Obama administration of trying to delegitimize the incoming Trump administration. What's your response to Vladimir Putin?" 
EARNEST: "First of all, it sounds like he got his copy of the talking points. Second --" 
KARL: "From who?" 
EARNST: "Well, I don't know it certainly sounds a lot like what the incoming administration's team is saying, but it is not the first time that the Russian president has called into question the veracity of the United States government, right? This is the -- this is the -- this a Russian government that recently said that they were focused entirely on ISIL inside of Syria and raising questions about what the United States and our allies were doing to fight those extremists. That wasn't true."

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